We’re giving $1 million in talent grants to businesses working to counter the impact of COVID-19. Learn more
Upwork expertly connects professionals and agencies to businesses seeking specialized talent.
Find specialized experts and agencies for large projects.
Expand your team with a skilled resource.
Build a pool of diverse experts for one-off tasks.
Tell us about your project. Upwork connects you with top talent and agencies around the world, or near you.
Tell us about your project. Upwork connects you with top talent and agencies around the world, or near you.
Get qualified proposals within 24 hours. Compare bids, reviews, and prior work. Interview favorites and hire the best fit.
Get qualified proposals within 24 hours. Compare bids, reviews, and prior work. Interview and hire.
Use Upwork to chat or video call, share files, and track project milestones from your desktop or mobile.
Use Upwork to chat or video call, share files, and track project milestones from your desktop or mobile.
Pay hourly or fixed-price and receive invoices through Upwork. Pay for work you authorize.
Pay hourly or fixed-price and receive invoices through Upwork. Pay for work you authorize.
All options include access to Upwork’s talent pool of quality talent and agencies.
Free to post and sign up. Find and hire talent quickly, collaborate easily, and make hassle-free payments.
Select BasicFree*
Verified work history and reviews
Unlimited proposals
Built-in collaboration tools and easy payments
Work with on-demand account managers to attract the specific talent that’s right for your business.
Select Plus$49.99/month*
Dedicated account managers to help you find and hire quality talent fast
Project tracking and collaboration tools for teams
Tailored search results featuring Top Rated and Rising Talent
Learn moreAccess a wide range of capabilities and services businesses need, including white glove talent sourcing, and more.
Contact Us$849/month**
Consolidated billing and invoicing with net 30 pay
Dedicated team of advisors to get you hiring faster and more successfully
Detailed reporting with company insights and trends
Learn moreConfigure the solution to your organization’s needs and reduce risk through compliance services.
Contact UsPrice varies - contact us for a demo
Custom configurable contracting and onboarding process
Worker classification compliance services
Project-based or managed solutions, and dedicated account executive
Learn more"Upwork took a lot of stress off of growing with minimal resources"